It may be prudent to investigate having a Medicare supplement to cover expenses that aren’t paid by standard Medicare.
It is one thing to have a sizeable co-pay on medical expenses when you are working and have a substantial income and years of earning ahead for paying them. It is quite another to deal with out-of-pocket costs when you are retired. Not only might your income be reduced during retirement, but most people face more medical expenses as they age. To protect your retirement years so they can truly be your “golden years” it may be prudent to investigate having a Medicare supplement to cover expenses that aren’t paid by standard Medicare.
At Legacy Insurance Partners in Hickory, North Carolina, we can help you with a Medicare supplement that can help to fill in copayment and non-covered medical expense gaps. With our access to a large pool of carriers with Medicare supplement options, we can match you with the best options based on your objectives and situation. We are more than happy to assist you with reassessing your choice each year so you can learn about any new products offered and perhaps select a Medicare supplement that works better for you if your situation has changed.
We understand that the world of Medicare supplement options can feel overwhelming and confusing. We are here to help you navigate through the complicated process of selecting the right product for your situation so you can have peace of mind that an extended hospital stay or illness won’t leave you in an undesirable financial situation.
If you have questions about how to choose a Medicare supplement or would like to know if there is a better option than what you currently have, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
FAQs About Medicare Supplement Plans
Our team at Legacy Insurance Partners is dedicated to helping our clients get the insurance coverage they need, and one of the many types of coverage we can help you with is Medicare supplement plans. We have received many questions on this topic over the years, so we have put together the following list of frequently asked questions and their answers below to help you get a better idea of how to approach this issue.
What is a Medicare supplement plan?
While Medicare is designed to cover a great deal of your medical expenses, it does leave some unfortunate gaps. Medicare supplement plans are additional insurance coverage sold by private companies designed to fill in some of these gaps in original Medicare’s coverage.
Is a Medicare supplement plan right for me?
Some of the most popular reasons to enroll in a Medicare supplement plan include getting access to a nationwide network, keeping out-of-pocket expenses low, and getting access to a regulated benefit structure. If you live in a rural area, getting access to a larger network of providers will help you receive the care you need. Similarly, because Medicare supplement policies are more strictly regulated, it will be easier to compare policies offered by different insurers and choose the best one of your needs.
How do I enroll in a Medicare supplement plan?
First, you’ll need to take a look at the various supplement plans (options A-N) and decide which is best for you. Then, find an insurer who sells Medicare supplement coverage in your state and reach out to them to apply. Fill out and submit the application, then wait to receive your coverage.
With Medicare supplement representatives serving the communities of Asheville, Davidson, Greensboro, Hickory, North Wilkesboro, Albemarle, and Raleigh, North Carolina, our team at Legacy Insurance Partners is available to partner as your trusted personal insurance advisor utilizing a consultative approach.